28. 10. 2007

dancing vampires & frankenstein

HALLOWEEN was such a blast ! :D
had so much fun ytd, tho the earlier part
was kinda screwed.
zouk was srsly overly overcrowded !
but the people there really amazed me !
people with costume like the mask, marilyn monroe,
a whole group of chinese zombie w/ a corny priest,
a chinese couple in 'shou yi' (idk what you call tt) carrying a chinese lantern
and those olden days umbrella. how amusing ! (:
i wanted one toooo but i thought i should saved up on the cost since
im not gonna use the paper umbrella after ytd.

from left: the extremely dirty white cloth handless ghost(yen), not a restaurant waitress/bai nian but a bloody chinese ghost in cheongsum(me), two chinese zombies, a scarface dead chambermaid and as you can see she save SOOO much on her costume tt cheapo girl(von), the 'hot' fangless & super bloody vampire she literally smeared blood all over her face and neck(wq), and lastly the very corny priest.

woody the toy story cowboy(alex) and a chinese vampire that looks really funny NOT scary(bert)

ken & jj

michael jackson (james) w/ wq whom is still holding on to the fake blood capsule -.- she still thinks she dont have enough blood. ayeeeee

its looks kinda scary but look at their shoes -.- i mean srsly..

wq looks kinda sad here and i assume it must be bcos of her foot. who ask her to wear those killer boots lol. and LOOK there in between me & wq, that small head over there its suraiya :D and and there, an orb above us :/ i srsly hope its some dust particles on the lens or sth. must be must be !


and now, behind all these bloody and scary faces..

gongxi gongxi. xin nian kuai le !

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