1. 11. 2007

i hear you, i hear you only to know to let it go

i cannot erase myself enough;
every word i exhale steps into puddles,
soaking my soul through.

maybe i should have tried to explain,
since i know better than anyone else im not
what they think i am.

but in the first place
if they were to know me enough,
why would they even misunderstand?
so in the midst of self-pitying and blaming and..
i chanced upon wq's friendster profile
and saw those lines:

"Never explain yourself to anyone,
because the person who likes you doesnt need it.
the person who dislikes you wont believe it."

at least it gives me a good enough
reason to stop thinking bout it for awhile.

how i wish you could hold me in your mind;
as i reach to hold on for awhile

i hope this week will end soon. horrible

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