29. 1. 2008

funka finals (:

i hope weifeng doesnt get to read this,

if not she is gg to be soooooooo mega mad at me.
i should be editing my report at this time but
im blogging :/ nvm.

the reason why im taking such a big risk to post this entry is because,
i cant wait to post up all the funka pics!
some are so freakin funny, wq and i laughed like shit!

photo like this! LOOOOOOOOOOL
the super zhong xie face. like literally EVERY single one of us look funny
cept for maybe allegra but mygod look at wq and yen they gt the same expression.
and mae looks scary. HAHAHA i look SUUUUUUPER retardedly funny !

and this, yen and i were talking. i remember i was telling her 'jiayou' at this point of time and we got caught on camera. LOOOL!

i look extremely happy in this picture ((: HAHA and allegra srsly, you (once again) reminds me of vanness. idk why!

ah bert! (:
the oversized cap makes me look like i've got a pot on my head ): but the cap is super duper ultra nice srsly!


im srsly at a lost of words ): i dontknow what more to say other than THANK YOU!
(harnah i know this sentence super over-used alrd. but I REEEEEALLY dont know what else to say la)
theres so much that i've learnt all this while &im alrd starting to miss all the night trainings i had with you guys.

to wangwing: thanks for being there all these while (: & PLEEEEEEEASE improve on your sewing skill like srsly. SEW COSTUMES FOR HOW MANY TIMES ALRD!! still sew until like that !!! honestly like primary school kid sewing!! LOL

to vanness: CONGRAAAAAAATS! (((((: you're srsly too man alrd. i almost thought best male dancer was you. HAHHAHA! kidding la. im so DAMN happy for you can! please take good care of yourself okay? you can like cut yourself 3 times in one trg, srsly :/

to shoutkia: we cannot do anymore obscene pose alrd ): &no more weird 'something' clinging onto me alrd ): LOOOOL! srsly i wonder how can your lower body movement be so big it scares me! oh anyway DONT EAT TOO MUCH CHAO FAAAAN !!! (i never shout at you :/)

to ah bui: zui! you can like stop laughing at my eating corn thing alrd i tell you ! you idiot! silent break !! :$ lol damn secondary school. anyway im starting to miss all your nags alrd. no wonder shimin say you're damn naggy. indeed! AHHAA. but i know its for the benefit of the whole grp la so.. haaaaaaarmah thanks! (:

to twin: you know at times we really dont mean what we say. and i truely love you. LOOOL. its always good to have you ard, reminding us that we have to stay focus. implementing the fine $5 rules. tho we always shuddup or 5 mins den started making noise all over again. lol

to mae: speaking of you reminds me of all your funny shit. LOL how you always like to scold yen and ask her to shuddup. hah! anw thanks for making the effort to source for the costumes despite your busy schedule. if not i think we'll be like all too lazy and end up wearing tt zombie costumes alrd.


congrats to edee vance, soul out crew and SONGKIA !!!! (:

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