17. 11. 2007

on a brighter note

(since tegboard wont allow such lengthy reply, i've turned it into a post)

hello zilin dearest,
it proves that we really haven seen each other for
toooo long. i couldnt even recall the last time we met.

oh well, how i hope i could have that amount and length of hair you know
but sadly no. it was extension ):
and it keeps falling off recently.

the first time one bundle (do they call it bundle? mmm nvm)
of it drops is when i was walking to the atrium with xin
and can you imagine walking beside someone and suddenly a whole
bunch of her hair came off. i look like some cancer patient. seriously.
STILL better than allegra, whom came back from the toilet (at work)
and saw one bundle of her hair hanging on her chairback.

&& how i hope you could be here sometimes ):
maybe we'll meet on your bday ! ♥

mmhm ignore the emo post.
at least im still glad i've gt someone to turn to,
to just call and cry to, whine to (:
although i guess she has unintentionally transfered ALLLLL
her bad lucks to me, accumulated over the years kind
but ayeee really, thanks for being
there. if it wasnt for you, talking to me over the phone
listening to me maybe i'll just get banged down by a car w/o anybody knowing
or sth since im soooooo unlucky tt day.
then again. THANKS hug till your eyes buldge out (:

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